Oct 13, 2010

Us Against MUET

Now, as you can see from the title and the logo above, we are going to have two battles of our life as a teacher trainee including our Final Exams. The logic is we need to get at least a Band 4 for our entry requirement to enter UKM which is our second parent after IPS. We are going to twin with them and we will be under them starting next year for our first-year-degree program. Spooky isn't it. Not just we have to pass our finals but also to get a Band 4 for our MUET.

The shock was inevitable when we were informed by our lecturer and since we missed out on the registration for year-end MUET 2010. But we still managed to register after a few strings pulled here and there. Anyway, good luck to us and break a leg everyone!

Oct 4, 2010

The Triumph

On the 30th of September 2010, the TESL class managed to enter the final round of parliamentary debate (Bahasa Melayu) against Pengajian Agama 3 PPISMP Semester 1. The final match was actually on the 24th of September but something was on during that particular day (am being superbly sarcastic, as long what I had expected did come true). It was a good thing though, more time for us to prepare our text. The motion was "Sambutan Kemerdekaan Cerminan Bangsa". TESL got to be the government and Halil is the Prime Minister, myself as the 2nd Minister, Haziq as the 3rd Minister and Khatika as the reserve. During the previous round, we were informed on the day of the competition if we would like to join or not. I still remember it was during LDs class we made our decision which was in the afternoon and our match was later that night.

Then we received the motion to be debated that night and began to construct our text. As the quarter-final matches was on the go we went through a lot of sources to find our materials and then we were opt to change the motion since one of the classes forfeited and the class that managed to go against us opt that if we were to change the motion that was to be debated on the quarter-final match. We accepted their offer and began to construct another new text. Later that evening, we have a class dinner and yet we have to finish preparing the text before our class dinner because the match was right after our dinner and we did not have enough time to go through our text.

We were up against Pengajian Agama 1 and their team was well prepared than ours. However, even though it was a tough match, we managed to go through to the final. Long story short, we were quit pissed off because the final match was postponed and the organizers would like to change the motion but since we have prepared our text for the final match we decided to stick to the old motion. As I wrote in the previous paragraph, the motion is "Sambutan Kemerdekaan Cerminan Bangsa". We thought the motion was "Sambutan Kemerdekaan Mencerminkan Bangsa"and we prepared based on what we thought the motion was. What a chaotic mess. We change our text right before the final match which is actually right before the prime minister to deliver his argument.

Very poor management from the organizers. But still, after 50 minutes of debate, we won the match despite of any changes we made in the last minute in our text. There you have it, the journey to triumph in what people may not expected for us to achieve.

The Debaters

The Prime Minister delivering his argument

The 3rd Minister counteracting the opposition team

Still the Prime Minister

The Debaters and their Supporters (after the victory)