It has been ages since the last post. We are a now currently cruising in our degree programme, and there are lots of big wave we need to surf out. Firstly I would like to welcome our new members of the family . They are Ahmad Azrul from IPGKTAR, Ilanggo, Jennie and Rachel from IPGKGaya. Adding another 4 to the 16 of us. Class is getting bigger and hopefully better. We have just entered our degree programme a couple of weeks ago. We are twinning with the National University of Malaysia and are 2 weeks behind schedule. We are taking Kemahiran Bahasa Melayu this semester and I'm loving it!
The institute's assembly was the day all of us got a slam from the Head of Students' Affair Dept, and yes, it was excruciatingly agonizing. Looking bad in front of other teacher trainees was not the best feeling all of us would love to experience. Being a TESLian, we just keep our head held high. (and we don't give a damn, a shit, an ass about it).
Hey Barb, I think we need another revamp since we have new family members. But no pressure. You can do it anytime you want. That is all for this post. Will be continue in another. :)